( photo things + living life)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Covent Garden Sunday

Another cloudy day in London... we went to Convent Garden to "feel the crowd"... amazing place, full of life. Original was in colour, but it was so dull I decided to turn it to black and white. After turning I applied some duotone adjustments to get the mood.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YO te escribo in spanish para que te enteres mejor :-PPPPP, pues como puedes ver si que sigo tus correrias con afan, que foto mas bonita, que ojo macho, me encantan los tonos azulas que resultan , que dia tiene que hacer para que salga una foto asi??? jajajajaja, pos na macho sigue así y habrá que verte en televisión o prensa para acordarnos de tu cara. un abrazo

August 27, 2004 at 8:00 PM

Blogger Mademoisefle Difficulty said...

hey... i like ur pics.. there are great... really.. i wish i can be like u.. ^^

August 28, 2004 at 3:27 PM


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