( photo things + living life)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Wrong ways...

Have you ever felt your life goes in the wrong way?. You're taking a misty and blue road and you cannot clearly see where are you going. You feel not right. You're not even sure this is the right road for you... Sometimes I just don't feel happy. But the misty and blue road is so easy to follow... There are no stop signs, and nothing to be seen in the far distance... What makes us happy?...

What makes me happy?

As we all have heard lots of time, happiness doesn't exist as a whole. If we are fortunate we can see some glimpses of it come and go...

Will these glimpses help us when the road becomes so blue and misty?. Everything looks fine until you realize you're in the wrong way...

It's time to find the exit.

I would like to dedicate this photograph to all the people that feel lost from time to time and struggles to find their place in this stupid world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you

October 28, 2004 at 10:31 AM


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